Monday, April 29, 2013

Change of Opinions?

After watching the videos, reading the articles, and sharing comments, has your opinion on stem cell research changed at all? Have you learned anything new about stem cells and the ethics of the research? Have you decided where the line needs to be drawn, if there should be a line at all?

What It Can Treat

Interesting fact- Cord blood stem cell transplants have already been used to save lives around the world. They have been used to treat 75 diseases including...

Acute Leukemia
Chronic Leukemia
Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Lymphoproliferative Disorders
Phagocyte Disorders
Inherited Metabolic Disorders
Histiocytic Disorders
Inherited Erythrocyte Abnormalities
Inherited Immune System Disorders
Other Inherited Disorders
Inherited Platelet Abnormalities
Plasma Cell Disorders
Other Malignancies

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Are any of you religious? Because of your religion, do you have any problems with embryonic stem cell research or stem cell research in general?

*Please be respectful of other peoples opinions, beliefs, and point of views.

My Sister's Keeper

Have you guys ever seen the movie or read the book My Sister's Keeper? Well in this film there is a girl named Ana that was a "test tube baby" Her parents chose to have one of their embryos specially altered so it was a genetic match for her leukemia-stricken sister, Kate. For years Ana has been the one keeping Kate alive, but when Kate is in need of a kidney, Ana is done. Ana decides to sue her parents for "medical emancipation", rights to her own body.

Here is a story similar to that of Ana and Kate's. Do you think that this is wrong, or is it OK engineer an embryo to ensure the well being another child?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Define Alive

Here are some cartoons that show how embryonic stem cell research in wrong. Some believe that it is wrong to experiment on a embryo because it is taking away a life. Some believe that it is the same as killing a baby. But is this true? Can we consider an embryo "alive" ? How can we define alive? 

What are your opinions on this take of the argument?

Embryonic Stem Cell Experiments

Here is a video that goes a little bit into how they experiment on embryonic stem cells...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Embryonic Stem Cells

Through a lot of my findings, I have seen that many people are perfectly fine with the idea of stem cell research, that is until they get to the subject of embryonic and fetal stem cells.... this is when the issues come in. This kind of research can potentially be dangerous and harmful to the fetus. And many people are not into the fact that we can tamper with human life. Some feel like it devalues life itself.

And some people are against it on a religious stand point. Some feel like it is "an attempt to play God..."

What do you think about this?