Saturday, April 27, 2013


Are any of you religious? Because of your religion, do you have any problems with embryonic stem cell research or stem cell research in general?

*Please be respectful of other peoples opinions, beliefs, and point of views.


  1. I believe it is okay depending on the motive. I think if someone wants to save the child's life ,its fine, but of course there is an immense risk of something going wrong.
    I also think that God, or whatever you believe in, would be alright if your intentions were pure

  2. I don't necessarily agree with the idea of stem cell research on an embryo. In my personal opinion it would be considered murder. An embryo is growing as soon as it is conceived. It is a human being and also a miracle from God. Why would you want to destroy something so beautiful growing inside of you ?

  3. I agree with Alex. If you have a good reason i think it is okay.

  4. I agree with Alex too, but personally I wouldn't agree with this, as many experiments done to prevent things from happening often come back around and turn out to be more harmful than we had thought.

  5. Sadly I disagree with you Alex, no matter how much I wish it were true, the ends just do not justify the means.I feel like stem cell research is wrong no matter what. When we decide it's okay to take life to preserve another, what's to stop young children and adults being sacked for vital organs? Who are we to decide who lives and who dies? Should we not better use our resources looking for more humane methods of treatment?
