Thursday, April 18, 2013


Off the opinions you already have about stem cell, do you think stem cells are ethical? Why or why not?

*Here is an article that talks briefly about some pros and cons of stem cells.


  1. I believe Stem Cell research and use are perfectly ethical. What most people get hung up on is the use of fetal stem cells.

    As stem cells are a possible treatment for many conditions, some of which take lives, and I believe life to be sacred, I believe research should move ahead as quickly as is safely possible.

  2. I think that stem cells are swag. So is the researcher if they.

  3. I think they are very ethical and here are some things they can help
    •Parkinson’s Disease
    •Alzheimer’s Disease
    •Heart Diseases, Stroke and Diabetes (Type 1)
    •Birth Defects
    •Spinal Cord Injuries
    •Replace or Repair Damaged Organs
    •Reduced Risk of Transplantation
    •Stem cells may play a major role in cancer
    BUT every ethical things have cons and here are some of them:
    •"We should not mess with human life."
    •"Humans should not be trying to play God"
    •Some argue that stem cell research in the far future can lead to knowledge on how to clone humans. It is hard to say whether this is true, but we have seen devastating consequences of other research-programs, even with good intentions, such as nuclear research.
