Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Embryonic Stem Cells

Through a lot of my findings, I have seen that many people are perfectly fine with the idea of stem cell research, that is until they get to the subject of embryonic and fetal stem cells.... this is when the issues come in. This kind of research can potentially be dangerous and harmful to the fetus. And many people are not into the fact that we can tamper with human life. Some feel like it devalues life itself.

And some people are against it on a religious stand point. Some feel like it is "an attempt to play God..."

What do you think about this?

1 comment:

  1. For me if it can save my childs life im all for it! I don't think it's an attemt to play God but a chance to save a life God created. I know it may be dangerous but I would go for it.
